Anthi talks about his EVS project

A few days ago Anthi finished her Evs project. Now he tells us about his experience from his point of view. Good luck, Anthi!

Hello! I am Anthi and I am from Greece. I decided to do my short EVS project in Romania, and, most specifically, in the center Lumea Lui Pinocchio,which is located in a small city called Panciu. After I completed both my undergraduate and my master degree I realised that I wanted to have the experience of living and working abroad. But, also, I wanted to have the opportunity to work and provide for people that are in need. So, I started looking for social EVS projects. When I found the project ’’Activ8 Competences’’ in a small rural area in Romania and after I read about its description, I knew I wanted to go there. I work, along with other volunteers, in a afterschool daily socio-educational center which is concerned with the education of the disadvantaged children of Panciu, and, especially, the children that come from the local Roma community. So far, this experience has been proved amazing for me. As I work with these kids, I realised how much love they need and how much love they give you back. For them, a smile and a hug are the most valuable things. And they learned me also to value these small things. Before I come here, I didn’t knew how much I like working with kids and how much close and connected you can be with them. I will be really sad when my project finishes here because it is difficult for me to say goodbye to them. But, on the other hand, I know that I did something important here these two months. I will always remember the children of the center and I know that they will remember us too. Mulţumesc Lumea Lui Pinocchio!

The video interview:

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